Tell us about your prayer requests or any decisions you have made to the Lord today.
You may also phone in your prayer request to our prayer chain at
You may also phone in your prayer request to our prayer chain at
BECOME A DELIVERER OF MINISTERY as part of our FOOD PANTRY, our largest outreach to the community.
Touch the lives of many people right here in Bradenton as a food missionary.
An average of over 300 families receive a healthy portion of food every first and third Thursday from 1 PM to 3 PM, without even getting out of their car.
We invite you to consider being part of our volunteer team that packages and hands out all this food on alternating Thursdays beginning at 8:30 AM, then enjoy lunch together.
We invite you to consider being part of our volunteer team that packages and hands out all this food on alternating Thursdays beginning at 8:30 AM, then enjoy lunch together.
You get to take home some food also.
This is the easiest way to give to the church.
Tithes and undesignated offerings will be deposited in our General Fund. If you would like to specify an amount for missions or a designated purpose, please choose from the list of specific uses.
Thank you very much for releasing funds for the work of the Kingdom.
Click here to access the church calendar of events so you can grow with us as a family focused on Jesus Christ.
The men of the church, and teen age young men, gather in the youth room every second Wednesday evening at 7 PM for supper and ministry to one another. Men's topics are presented and we pray as a group. This is a genuine spiritual growth event and a great place to meet other men and get to know one another.
Additionally, some of the men meet on Saturday at 8 AM for breakfast and Bible study, which is like spiritual nutrition for the men's calendars in the days ahead.
We invite you to become a member of Resonate LIFE Church.
Non-members are invited to a business luncheon with the leadership of the church, following one Sunday worship service every month. You will get to meet some of our leadership and receive a lot of information about the ministry of this Assembly. Lunch will be served and we will get to know each other in a relaxed event for an hour. Bring all the members of your family.
At the close of the event you will be given an opportunity to submit a request for membership to our elders and the board.
At the close of the event you will be given an opportunity to submit a request for membership to our elders and the board.
Please sign up on our clip board on the glass table at the main entrance, so we know how many will be present for lunch.
Our deaf people are special and have two services each week. The Sunday services at 10 AM to 12 PM are all presented in sign language and are streamed on Face Book. The group has a separate service themselves on Wednesday evening at 6 PM in the Orange Room, with signing lead by Paul Czyzewski.
You are invited to bring a deaf friend to our services and meet other deaf believers.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord?
The next step is to be baptized.
Have you been baptized in water since you decided to follow Jesus? We are prepared with warm water every LAST Sunday of the month. Your age has little to do with your being baptized. Talk to one of the pastors or call the office and tell them that you are ready to be baptized and we will make arrangements for you.
There will be a class on Water Baptism that Sunday at 9 AM before you prepare with a towel and change of clothes.
Be a living part of the body.
Would you like to be a greeter or an usher for our Sunday Worship Services?
There is an opening for two greeters and
two ushers for our Sunday Services. If you have an interest in meeting new people please speak to Dr. Don Struble about qualifying.
two ushers for our Sunday Services. If you have an interest in meeting new people please speak to Dr. Don Struble about qualifying.